2016-11-11an izan zen G30 Taldeak antolatu dugun hitzaldia / eztabaita, Deustuko Unibertsitatean, Leonardo Becchetti Jaunak emana, Beyond the homo economicus.- ethical finance and the civil economyren izenburupean.

Hitzaldia Ingelesez emana zen. Hona hemen gaiaren laburpena:

An always larger and more consolidated body of empirical evidence documents that individuals donate money and time and their sense and satisfaction of life is strengthened by good relationships with other human beings. This evidence should lead us to go beyond a misled opposition between a satisfactory pure egoism – which is still a standard benchmark in most economic models and a suffered pure altruism.

What seems to emerge from this new body of evidence is an integrated paradigm of enlightened and longsighted self-interest by which individuals may discover their intrinsically relational nature and learn that their sense and satisfaction of life builds upon the capacity of doing things that are valuable for those others whose benevolent outlook represents a fundamental part of their own identity. Concerned investors, in finances, express their social responsibility by channeling funds to microfinance institutions via microfinance investment.

The new paradigm has important consequences in terms of policies. Approaches based on the reductionist paradigm which just aim at solving conflicts of interest by limiting the possibilities of opportunistic behaviour should be integrated by actions aimed at reinforcing the law of motion of moral and civic values and, through them, the natural antibodies of the society which may help it to achieve socially desirable goals.

Revista de Fomento Socialen ale batzuk banatuta ziren, 273 eta 274 Leonardo Becchetti eta Massimo Cermelli-ren idazlanarekin, Reduccionismos económicos y voto con la cartera izenburupean, eta 279 y 280 alea, Papa Francisco y la economía civil- una vía para el bien común en la economía global artikuluarekin.

Hona hemen hitzaldiaren deialdia.

Eta emandako aurkezpena.

Sarrera hau ez dago Euskarara itzulita erabat. Hura guztiz irakurtzeko bere baliokidea bisita dezake gaztelaniaz.